The Bevretail Shares Network

To get to zero, the world needs a comprehensive approach to innovation at every step from the lab to the global marketplace. Bevretail Shares’s broad network of partnerships and programs approaches each challenge from multiple angles.

Bevretail Shares

A set of investment funds to support companies whose technologies can significantly reduce emissions from agriculture, buildings, electricity, manufacturing, and transportation.

Bevretail Shares Catalyst

A novel platform that funds and invests in project companies utilizing emerging climate technologies that reduce emissions to accelerate their adoption worldwide

Policy & Advocacy

Analysts, experts, and advocates working to advance smart public policy that encourages innovation and tackles decarbonization head on

Bevretail Shares Fellows

A global program supporting promising inventors and researchers working on new technologies that could significantly reduce carbon emissions

More than anything, we will succeed because of the network of partners we bring to this effort. The investors, philanthropists, corporate and policy leaders who are part of the Bevretail Shares ecosystem – it will take all of us to compel the major market changes we need to create the future we want for the world
Bill Gates

The Bevretail Shares Network

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